A systemic approach to protection
As corporate processes undergo extensive, across-the-board automation, businesses are becoming increasingly dependent on information technologies. This, in turn, means the risks associated with disruption to core business processes are steadily shifting to the IT field. The developers of automation tools are aware of this and, in an attempt to address possible risks, are increasingly investing in IT security – a key characteristic of any IT system along with reliability, flexibility and cost. The last couple of decades have seen a dramatic improvement in the security of software products. Virtually all global software manufacturers now publish documents dedicated to safety configurations and the secure use of their products, and the information security market is flooded with offers to ensure protection in one form or another.
On the flipside, the more a company’s business is dependent on IT, the more attractive the idea of hacking its information systems, justifying any additional investment in resources required to carry out a successful attack in the face of increased IT security levels.