To help you assess your mobile security environment and calibrate your defenses, we’ve produced this fourth annual Verizon Mobile Security Index. To create it, we worked with Asavie, Check Point, BlackBerry Cylance, IBM, Lookout, MobileIron, NetMotion, Netskope, Proofpoint, Qualcomm, Thales, VMware and Wandera—all leaders in mobile device security. They provided additional information, including incident and usage data. We also commissioned an independent survey of 856 professionals responsible for the buying, managing and security of mobile and Internet of Things (IoT) devices.
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Europol and the U.S. Secret Service also provided valuable input. We’d like to thank all our contributors for helping us to present a more complete picture of the threats that affect mobile devices and what is being done to mitigate them.